Summoner NameYou can give Echo a Summoner Name to find ranked matches involving that player. The NA region will be assumed unless you prefix it with the region and a colon, like "kr:summonername"., Match URLYou can give Echo a Match Details URL for any game — even unranked and custom games. This is the URL of the page LoL opens when you click "view advanced details" buttons within the client. They look like "", or Match IDIf you have a Match ID, you can paste it in directly; the NA region will be assumed unless you prefix it with the region and a colon, like "kr:12345".:
For an example match, try na:2459618122.
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Remember: due to a restriction imposed by Riot, only ranked matches can be found in this way. To view other kinds of games, view them directly with their Match ID or Match URL. For more information, see the about page.

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The following TSV and JSON exports of data from this match are available: